15 Feb 2008, mark the end of my project life in year 2 (means exam is drawing near). however, today roleplay was a success..everyone was happy with the outcome.
all my group members wake up superb early today. no one was late for the trial. everything went smoothly.
well...we were very concerned about the roleplay as it is the last chance to pull up our grades. guess we got an A for roleplay. hm..there were some conflicts and disagreements before the roleplay. all our email were spam by tk and leon. haha.
A BIG THANK YOU to all my wonderful team mates. thankz for all the support and encouragement. enjoy working with you guys for this one yr.
Thank you soon kiat for being Mr nice and keep things organised at all time.
Thank you guanz for sharing laughters with me...
Thank you guanz for sharing laughters with me...
Thanks Leon and tk for the hardwork.
Thanks everyone for tolerating my bad temper.
Thanks everyone for the great great job done.
Though there was quite alot of challenging projects this yr, from CAs to FOI to Comm skill 2...we share alot of laughters and joys. it had been a great time for me

Saw my dearest seejin on my way home after cma.haha..so we went starbucks at enjoy our coffee..i had been quite long since we last meet up. we tok about everything under the sun.shall meet her on mon for revision.

shall end here..time for revision!!

send me the pics soon yea :)
sure sure...nono (=
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