Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Prawn Fishing Competition

went for prawn fishing w dear + friends last weekend. haha...nv caught a lot n dear drop the net so end up two prawns got away. haha..we had a "mini" bbq over there too. we fish till almost morning BUT only caught like 10 prawns + 2 which gt away.

haha..not tt bad since it is the first time for most of us.

reach home in the morning..so tired that i fall alseep after bathing.

hehe..the competitors of the day

well,i guess there are more upcoming events like beach volley ball at Sentosa (which dear wants to train his body first..hee) as well as another prawn fishing competition

have been eating buffet. from dear's cousin's daughter one mth old to his friend's sis 21st bdae to my cousin ROM chalet (coming sat) n my cousin's daughter one mth old (coming sun).... BUFFET

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